Cocure is a tool that helps governments determine the right vaccine strategy. The tool is designed to understand the perspectives and needs of different stakeholders.
The tool is the result of an intervention model, which is based on research and interviews with all stakeholders.
The tool consists of a syringe, coloured discs and a board, the inside of the box. Each colour represents a certain theme. Each theme contains discs on which an intervention is described. Under the disc, there is an additional explanation of the intervention. The idea is to look at all the cubes and have the participants indicate which intervention would work for them. The disk, i.e. intervention, that you think would be interesting to you, you may slide onto the syringe. At the end, the participant gets a personalized syringe with the interventions that are interesting for them. By placing the syringes next to each other, the organizer can visually analyze the similarities and differences between the different stakeholders. The tool should be used in groups. This creates discussion and deliberation among the different participants. In this situation, each participant gets a syringe and there are as many disks per intervention as the number of participants.